Gullspång Arena - Gullspång new sports hall supplied by Hallbyggarna
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Gullspång Arena

A full-fledged solution for indoor sports activities.

The community of Gullspång in Västra Götaland County has long needed a fabric structure for doing indoor sports. The solution for this was a fabric structure measuring 30x70x7 metres (WxLxH) that is now build alongside the Gullmovallen sporting grounds. The only thing that remains to be done is to install stands and changing rooms, which will hopefully be in place later in the autumn.

Ulf Gustafsson, who is chair of the co-operative association for Gullspång Arena, has answered some questions about their views on delivery and planning the fabric structure.

Can you explain the background for the project with Gullspång Arena?

The municipality has needed a full-fledged sports hall for quite a long time. We have never been able to carry out sporting activities indoors, such as indoor floorball, football, badminton and table tennis. Even boule and the shooting club are associations who will use the fabric structure.

Gullspång Arena is intended to be the hub between the associations to be able to work together and gather in the fabric structure.

Why did you choose a fabric structure as a solution for Gullspång Arena?

It was a major investment that was enabled by several financing sources such as the Swedish Inheritance Fund, Gullspång Municipality, The Swedish Sports Confederation and one private donor in the form of Christer Brandberg. A fabric structure was an exceptionally great and affordable option.

What made you decide to choose us as supplier?

I sent enquiries to three different suppliers. At Hallbyggarna Jonsereds, you responded immediately, while one of the others initially responded three weeks later and the third never even responded.

Are you satisfied with the delivery?

Yes, we are!

How has communication with us worked?

It has worked well. I have had contact with salesperson Staffan Rydberg and site manager Johan Jutesund and communication has worked great with both of them.

Would you hire us again?

Ha, ha! Yes, we would. But as things stand at the moment it’s difficult to find any need.

At Hallbyggarna Jonsereds we are incredibly proud and thank you for the confidence with Gullspång Arena!


Customer: Gullspång Arena Economic Association
Location: Gullmovallen, Gullspång
Area of use: Sports
Span: 30-metres
Length: 70-metres
Side leg height: 7-metres


Customer: Gullspång Arena Economic Association
Location: Gullmovallen, Gullspång
Area of use: Sports
Span: 30-metres
Length: 70-metres
Side leg height: 7-metres

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