Used fabric structures - Hallbyggarna Jonsereds
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Used fabric structures



Certified fabric structures for a more secure business transaction.


Used fabric structures

Buying or renting a used fabric structure means that the same benefits are achieved, while using fewer resources and with a smaller environmental impact. So that you are able to safety purchase a used fabric structure and meet the applicable requirements for the region where the fabric structure is going to be built, we are here to support you with advice and adaptation.

Right now, we have several used halls for sale and rental.

Width Length Height Square metres Year of manufacture Snow zone Status
12 10,5 4 126m² 2022 3,5 In stock
10 15 3 150m² 2017 1,5 In stock
15 30 4 450m² 2022 1,5 In stock
25 26 5 650m² 2021 3 In stock
20 51 5 1020m² 2023 3 In stock

Contact us for a quotation.

Are you uncertain about your snow load zone? See the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning’s classification for snow load zones.

Would you like to find out more about our used fabric structures? Get in touch with us today!

FAQ about used fabric structures

Can you rent a used fabric structure?

We offer several financing options, even for our used fabric structures. Contact us and we will help you find a great financing solution for your fabric structure.

Is a building permit required to build a used fabric structure?

A building permit is required in areas covered under a zoning plan. We can help you with drawings and other documentation that are required for the building permit application.

What does a used fabric structure cost?

The price of a used fabric structure varies. Ask us and we will let you know how much your desired fabric structure costs.

Do you have any questions?
Our sales representatives can assist you.
Anders "Anton" Eriksson - Säljare av hallar på Hallbyggarna Jonsereds
Bo Swenson - Säljare av hallar på Hallbyggarna Jonsereds
Lars "Knodd" Åkerlund - Säljare av hallar på Hallbyggarna Jonsereds
Thomas Carlsson - Säljare av hallar på Hallbyggarna Jonsereds
Ulf Lundin - Säljare av hallar på Hallbyggarna Jonsereds