Industrial hall at the right price - Always the highest quality.
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Industrial hall



Certified fabric structures for a more secure business transaction.


Industrial hall - A smart solution for your business.

The need for flexible industrial halls for temporary and permanent needs is constantly growing within the industry. A large share of our projects take place in close collaboration with customers in the industrial sector. We stress the importance of identifying a solution that is effective as possible according to the customer’s business sector. Industrial halls from Hallbyggarna Jonsereds guarantee effective logistics at an unbeatable price compared with traditional buildings.

A smart solution for your business.

An industrial hall from Hallbyggarna Jonsereds offers an unmatched scalability and can easily be customised over time if the conditions or needs change. To easily be able to extend, change or dismantle our fabric structures makes the industrial hall attractive to own or rent.

Hallbyggarna Jonsereds - A turnkey partner

As part of our assignment, we design, manufacture and fit the industrial hall for you and we also offer help with coordinating working environment responsibilities and contact with the authorities if so desired. Many times, it is possible to fit an industrial hall from Hallbyggarna Jonsereds without a demanding ground contractor. For you, the customer, this results in major savings compared with building a traditional industrial building.

FAQ about industrial halls

Is a building permit needed for an industrial hall?

A building permit is required within an area covered under a zoning plan. We can help you with drawings and other documentation that is required for the building permit application. If you like, we can also help you with a certified inspector who will assist you with the building permit application. We recommend the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning’s website if you would prefer to find your own certified inspector who is more local to you.

What is the lifetime of an industrial hall?

The steel frames on our industrial halls are manufactured from high strength steel and have a lifetime that is several decades. The fully rust protected steel frames are hot dip galvanised in accordance with EN 1461. The technical lifetime of the canvas is approximately 25-30 years, which can easily and affordably be replaced if needed.

Is there a long delivery time?

In comparison with a traditional fabric structure, the delivery time for an industrial hall is relatively short. The size, season and specific customisation can impact the delivery time. Some of our most popular spans are kept in stock and can therefore be delivered quickly. If you would like to find out what the delivery time is for your needs, just ask us and we will let you know what the estimated delivery day is.

What is the price for an industrial hall?

There are several variables that impact the price of the industrial hall. For example, size, place of delivery, equipment and any customisation impacts its price. If you would like to know what the price is for an industrial hall that suits your needs, we would be happy to produce a free quotation.

What parts impact the price?

A competitive price and a short delivery time are the two main goals we have worked with in developing our industrial halls. As a rule, it is more cost-effective to build length over width. This is because the steel frames with a smaller span are less expensive than steel frames with a larger span. The snow load for the relevant installation site is also decisive to the final price.

Why do you need to know what the snow load is?

Our constructions are calculated in accordance with Eurocode, which contains dimensioning for, among others, snow and wind loads for the relevant site where the fabric structure is to be fitted.

Do your industrial halls have heating?

Of course! The industrial hall can be insulated in a way that ensures a good insulation R-value. Insulation on the inside of the frames provides better protection and retains its insulating function.

Is it possible to rent an industrial hall?

We offer several favourable financing options. Choose to buy, rent or sign a leasing agreement for your industrial hall.

Do you have any questions?
Our sales representatives can assist you.
Anders "Anton" Eriksson - Säljare av hallar på Hallbyggarna Jonsereds
Bo Swenson - Säljare av hallar på Hallbyggarna Jonsereds
Lars "Knodd" Åkerlund - Säljare av hallar på Hallbyggarna Jonsereds
Thomas Carlsson - Säljare av hallar på Hallbyggarna Jonsereds
Ulf Lundin - Säljare av hallar på Hallbyggarna Jonsereds