Fabric covered indoor riding stable from Hallbyggarna Jonsereds
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Fabric covered indoor riding stable



Certified fabric structures for a more secure business transaction.


Fabric covered indoor riding stable of the highest quality

A fabric covered indoor riding stable is an indoor riding stable constructed from a fabric structure (fabric covered building). This is a perfect option for those who want to be able to ride year round in great indoor conditions. We are highly experienced in this type of project and helps you to find an optimal solution that goes hand in hand with your requirements.

Affordable indoor riding stable

The price is one of the greatest advantages with acquiring a fabric covered indoor riding hall compared with a conventional fabric covered hall building. Another big advantage is that the riding hall is flexible and can be moved, expanded or simply deconstructed if needed.

Choose a riding hall carefully

We understand that there are many parts you have to think about when it comes to using a canvas as a covering on an indoor riding stable. As luck would have it, we are a full-service partner and offer everything from basic analyses and planning to support with financing, project management, installation and technical support. The indoor riding stable price varies depending on several aspects, including size, snow load zone, type of insulation, illumination and many other aspects. With our help you will have the absolute best solution for your needs.     Ridding hall tent

FAQ about riding fabric structures

Does the canvas make a lot of noise?

If you compare it with a sheet metal roof it makes significantly less noise when it rains. To minimise the risk of the canvas making noise in the wind extra lacing is recommended for the canvas. Ask our salespeople and we will take care of this for you.

How many years does a fabric covered indoor riding stable last?

You can count on being able to use a fabric structure for an indoor riding stable for several decades. The steel frames have a lifetime that amounts to several decades and the technical lifetime of the canvas is approx.: 25-30 years.

Do your solutions require a building permit?

A building permit is always required in areas covered under a zoning plan. Would you like assistance with a building permit application for your fabric covered indoor riding stable? Contact us and we will help you.

Does it take a long time to have the fabric covered indoor riding stable delivered and fitted?

If you compare with a conventional building, we have significantly shorter delivery times and faster deliveries. Contact our salespeople to find out about the delivery time for your riding hall.

How much does a fabric covered indoor riding stable cost?

A fabric covered indoor riding stable is significantly more affordable than a conventional building. However, it is difficult to provide a fixed price from the start as there are several factors that impact the final cost of the fabric covered indoor riding stable. The size of the fabric structure, snow load dimensioning and equipment are several factors that impact the price of the fabric covered indoor riding stable. Contact us today for a quotation.

Is it safe to ride inside your fabric covered indoor riding stables?

Of course! Our fabric structures are certified in accordance with EN-1090-1. This concerns loadbearing components. We always issue a performance declaration and CE markings. Manufacturers of loadbearing components and supporting construction parts. Those which have been dimensioned with Eurocodes need to be certified in accordance with EN-1090-1.

Do you have any questions?
Our sales representatives can assist you.
Anders "Anton" Eriksson - Säljare av hallar på Hallbyggarna Jonsereds
Bo Swenson - Säljare av hallar på Hallbyggarna Jonsereds
Lars "Knodd" Åkerlund - Säljare av hallar på Hallbyggarna Jonsereds
Thomas Carlsson - Säljare av hallar på Hallbyggarna Jonsereds
Ulf Lundin - Säljare av hallar på Hallbyggarna Jonsereds