Manufacturing hall - Always the highest quality from Hallbyggarna Jonsereds!
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Manufacturing hall



Certified fabric structures for a more secure business transaction.


Flexible manufacturing hall

Are you looking for a cost-effective manufacturing hall with a solid standard? No matter what your business produces, our skilled salespeople can supply you with a customised solution based on your business and requirements With over 50 years’ experience in the industry and more than 18 000 projects delivered, we know what is required of our products.

Affordable financing solutions

Not only do we have the market’s best and largest range of production tents and manufacturing halls that are produced to handle the Nordic climate. We also offer numerous affordable financing solutions that are customised to the length of time the fabric structure will be used. Choose to rent, purchase or lease your manufacturing hall from Hallbyggarna Jonsereds.

Effective logistics with a manufacturing hall from Hallbyggarna Jonsereds

Manufacturing halls from us guarantee effective logistics with a fast project delivery time and at an unbeatable price compared with traditional buildings. The solution also offers an unmatched scalability and can easily be customised over time if the conditions or needs change. To easily be able to extend, change or dismantle our fabric structures makes the manufacturing hall attractive to own or rent.

FAQ about manufacturing halls

What is the lifetime for one of your manufacturing halls?

Our manufacturing halls/production tents have a lifetime of several decades. The steel frames are manufactured of high strength steel, which gives them a long lifetime. The technical lifetime of the PVC canvas is 25 to 30 years and it can easily be replaced if needed.

How long does it take to establish a manufacturing hall?

It goes quite fast if you compare it with a conventional building.

What is the cost of your manufacturing hall?

If you compare it with a conventional building, the cost of our manufacturing hall is significantly more cost-effective. The price of a manufacturing hall varies according to size, snow load dimensioning and accessories. Our salespeople will help you to draft a solution that is as affordable as possible. Contact us today for a quotation.

Is an application for a building permit required?

If you are going to set up the manufacturing hall in an area covered under a zoning plan, then a building permit is required. We can help you to produce drawings and other documents for the building permit application. If requested, we can also assist with a certified inspector.

What is the difference between a production tent and a manufacturing hall?

There is no difference between a manufacturing hall and a production tent. It is just two different names for the same thing. All of our fabric structures, no matter what the area of usage is, are fabric structures optimised for different types of activities.

Do you have any questions?
Our sales representatives can assist you.
Anders "Anton" Eriksson - Säljare av hallar på Hallbyggarna Jonsereds
Bo Swenson - Säljare av hallar på Hallbyggarna Jonsereds
Lars "Knodd" Åkerlund - Säljare av hallar på Hallbyggarna Jonsereds
Thomas Carlsson - Säljare av hallar på Hallbyggarna Jonsereds
Ulf Lundin - Säljare av hallar på Hallbyggarna Jonsereds